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pulse response中文是什么意思

用"pulse response"造句"pulse response"怎么读"pulse response" in a sentence


  • 脉冲响应特性曲线


  • Pulse response characteristic of a quasi - peak voltmetre
  • Pulse response test
  • The estimation algorithm nicely achieves the mimo channel im - pulse responses with small costs
  • Electronic method ? using a multichannel peak height analyzer determine the center channel of the particle counter pulse response for each standard suspension
  • It has put forward a imaging method of acoustic lens using photoacoustic signal and according to the kirchhoff diffraction theory we deduced pulse response of acoustic lens
  • For iir , after researching pulse response method , step response method , bilinear transform method , direct design method , it is found that iir is unsatisfactory
  • Afterwards we theoretically analyze and conclude the model of the adaptive modulation system . we find out three kinds of channel model appropriated for actual cannels and draw out pulse response matrix equations
  • To pick up the micro shock pulses , a mathematical model on the technology of resonant demodulation is put forward and the pulse response of this model is derived , they provide the theoretical foundation for the application of the technology
  • The improved lms arithmetic can adaptive the minimum pulse response automatically by the guide line of minimum average square error and have the best filtering effect . the method is easy to practise and has been introduced extensively
    采用经过改进的lms (最小均方误差)算法来实现自适应滤波器,它以均方误差最小为准则,能自动调节单位的最小脉冲响应,以达到最优滤波效果,这种方法简便易行,已经被广泛采用。
  • In this paper , a shear mode mr elastomer damper was designed and manufactured ; the pulse responses of a one - disk cantilever rotor supported on the mr elastomer damper were experimented in the stationary state ; and the mechanical properties of the system were analyzed
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